Trollegle diaspora

Omegle is dead, but Trollegle users lumber on. You can find us in a couple of places.

Some of us have moved to a certain chat platform whose name I daren't speak (it starts with a D). If you hang around, someone may give you an invite.

Stranger: [Virgina] Elijah why do you never hug?
Stranger: [Virgina] are you too sexy for us
Stranger: [Elijah] i wasn't hugged as a child, and I don't intend to start being hugged.
Stranger: [Virgina] oh
Stranger: [Elijah] lmao i remember my grandma thinking i was so weird because i didn't regularly hug
Stranger: [Elijah] and like shes right
Stranger: [Elijah] but like listen
Stranger: [Elijah] while this is true
Stranger: [Virgina] Elijah you need to start hugging people
Stranger: [Virgina] hugs make you feel better
Stranger: [Virgina] trust me
Stranger: [Elijah] I will not listen.
Stranger: [Virgina] try it
Stranger: * Virgina opens arms